Time & Location
Oct 12, 2022, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM PDT
About the Event
Money Clearing Call with Melanie Clampit CF
What's a clearing call?
The things that we find challenging in our lives, the limitations, are often held in place with energy, beliefs, and our points of view.
In a clearing call we choose a subject to "process" or "clear" using questions and the Access Clearing statement. We deep dive into a topic and clear clear clear those underlying energies and beliefs. This creates space and so much more ease in choosing different in that area, and very often other areas we didn't even realize were connected.
As a facilitator I ask questions designed to give you greater awareness regarding the points of view you have around that subject as well as bring up the "charge" that holds it in place and clearing it!
Money can sometimes be a heavy topic, but I find humor, irreverance and space far more enjoyable and effective for making true change.
Join me and others around the world for this Money clearing call Wednesday 9:30am pst
Investment in this change: $25
What else is truly possible for you to receive?
What could you choose if you had more space, ease and clarity regardng money?
What if it's not a money problem?
Do you have money yet still stress and live at your financial edges?
Do you hoard money or get rid of it as soon as you can?
Let's get free with Money!!
Money clearing call
$25.00Sale ended